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Why Integrate Toast & xtraCHEF

April 21 at 1:00pm ET

xtraCHEF’s integration with Toast enables restaurants to automatically capture ingredient-level purchase data from invoices and compare it directly to sales and revenue data from Toast.

Daily sales data from Toast’s POS fuels xtraCHEF insights, like real-time purchase and price trend analyses by category and across locations, making it easy to measure revenue and spend performance across all accounting periods.

Join our webinar to learn how you can make the most of the integration!

Here’s what you can do with Toast & xtraCHEF

Actual v. Theoretical Variance Reporting

Integrate sales & PMIX data into xtraCHEF in order to analyze Actual vs. Theoretical variances - automatically accounting for purchases & waste

Product Mix (PMIX) Margin Report

Monitor the variance between anticipated versus actual margins based on daily sales, discounts, etc.

Depleting Inventory & Par Level Reporting

Map menu items & modifiers in Toast to recipes and recipe modifiers in xtraCHEF to automatically calculate theoretical consumption and par ordering quantities

Operating Summary Report

Gives a daily snapshot of financial performance to monitor KPIs and make adjustments in real time.

Declining Budgets

Unleash the power of budgeting to hit your targets, forecast sales, and increase your cash flow.

Unit Comparison Dashboard

Compare performance across locations based on COGS, Category Food Costs, and GL codes.

Food Cost Weekly Dashboard

Drill down into weekly food cost ratios across categories from a percentage of sales, all the way down to purchase details and invoice images.