The Challenge
ThinkFoodGroup relied on their sous chefs to manually input all purchase information into Compeat, their restaurant management system. For an innovative company like ThinkFoodGroup, there had to be a better way to manage food costs at a line-item across multiple locations without asking their sous chefs to be hunched over a keyboard for half their shift.
This service allows our team to streamline the administrative duties that are necessary, but often time-consuming, so our chefs can focus on what they do best – creating incredible culinary experiences for our guests.
The Result
ThinkFoodGroup, the innovative company behind José Andrés’ restaurants, hotels, food products, media, educational initiatives and philanthropy, chose xtraCHEF to eliminate the time-consuming, error-prone task of manual data entry and coding of their invoices.
What used to be done by sous chefs whose valuable time was spent punching away at a keyboard is now automated by simply snapping a photo or scanning and uploading those invoices. Their purchase data is delivered directly and accurately to Compeat in a timely manner without the risk of data entry errors.
Using xtraCHEF’s cloud-based invoice management archive, the finance team at ThinkFoodGroup can quickly and easily mass export invoice images to satisfy audit requirements. For example, the team was required to produce all invoices in which the restaurant group paid tax. With just a few clicks, xtraCHEF was able to provide those invoices without having to touch a filing cabinet.