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xtraCHEF Recipe Card: Vince Krevas

As an Account Executive I sell xtraCHEF to business prospects to bring in new business/partners to the company.

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xtraCHEF Recipe Card: Jennypher Urena

As an Account Manager I am the primary point of contact for customers once they have onboarded with the xtraCHEF software.

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ap automation for restaurants is a must have

AP Automation for Restaurants is No Longer a Nice-to-Have. Here’s Why…

The world as we know it has changed. How exactly it will have changed once we fully emerge on the other side of the COVID-19 pandemic is yet to be seen.

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xtraCHEF Recipe Card: Ben Etkin

As a Senior Account Executive, most of my time is spent working with folks in the restaurant industry to understand their needs and see how xtraCHEF can help drive their business forward.

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[eBook] The Essential Guide to AP Automation for Restaurants

Accounts payable (AP) automation for restaurants is more important than ever for the health of the industry. But the AP process in restaurants can be disorganized and disjointed.

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xtraCHEF Recipe Card: Alexia Fimmano

As a Product Specialist I split my time across multiple departments, helping to develop new product features, enhancing the existing ones, and onboarding and training customers to use them efficiently.

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mattengas pizzeria ingredients

Mattenga’s Pizzeria Brings the Pizza Party Home during COVID-19

Restaurant owners are accustomed to putting out fires and making decisions on the fly.

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xtrachef product release 8.2

Product Release Update: xtraCHEF v8.2

We are excited to start the week by announcing xtraCHEF’s Product Release for v8.2!

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pizza from sidewall pizza company

How Restaurants Can Plan for a Future After COVID-19

If you have successfully been able to adapt your business to keep your doors open, or even were able to utilize small business assistance programs, it’s likely that you’ve already had your eye on coming out of the other side of the COVID-19 outbreak strong.

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theft and fraud ebook

[eBook] How to Catch Theft and Fraud at Your Restaurant

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[eBook] How to Structure Bonuses at Restaurants

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family meal during COVID-19

10 Ways the Industry Has Adapted During the COVID-19 Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the restaurant industry to make some difficult choices.